Powder had her first ever hunt yesterday. After ridding the area of its pesky deer population, she decided to get serious. With all of her demons run out, she didn't hesitate to locate and point a huge covey of valley quail. In fact, she made point after point, and I missed one easy shot after another. Fortunately Powder didn't give up on me, despite clearly having been given the "are you serious" look more than once. Who knew dogs were born with it? She also excelled at locating our downed birds, something my others have had to learn over time. Without her good nose and fanatical love of birds there is no way I would have been able to find any of her birds on my own - well done Powder! Book Update:As far as the book goes, the bills have begun to roll like an incoming tide, so it must then be for real! I have been promised to have the books in hand by mid-November, but it is possible I have them a bit sooner. At this point I don't expect any significant deviations, the book files have been with the printing company for well over a week now. I hope my next update will be to be posting the Amazon, and Dog Willing links so you can got your own copy. More importantly, I hope everyone enjoys the book as much as those who have had the opportunity to preview it. Only 150 copies will be available from the first run, and I am expecting them to go pretty fast.
r/ Brian
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January 2025